OCT 2018

SFORTEC industry / Milan

Technical Subcontracting & Industrial Services

Promoted by CIS-Comitato Interassociativo Subfornitura, the Interassociative Subcontracting Committee which avails itself of the expertise of by ANFIA-Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (Italian Association of the Automotive Industry) and UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE and organized by EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE, SFORTEC INDUSTRY is the new exhibition at the service of the industry sector.
Through an updated technological index of products, covering all solutions related to subcontracting and services, SFORTEC INDUSTRY will present the best product offering for the operators interested in acquiring services and outsourcing a part of their activities.
Besides the MAKE of BI-MU, for those who design and manufacture, the organisers will propose the BUY of SFORTEC INDUSTRY, conceived for those who prefer to outsource some activities.

09-13 October 2018
